7 Life Mottos I Live By

7 Life Mottos I Live By

7 Life Mottos I Live By


May 2, 2016

There are so many life mottos out there from all these famous people; for me, I believe everyone should have a personal set of life mottos and it is worth writing them down so we can remind ourselves from time to time.

From reflecting on my early career, these are the 7 ones that shaped me into who I am.

  1. If you can’t do the small things well, don’t mind the big things

  2. Never be late

  3. Be humble, there are a lot of people smarter than you

  4. Early birds get the worms

  5. If you cannot decide for yourself, no one can

  6. Don’t look back, look forward

  7. Hard work will pay off, just be patient

There are so many life mottos out there from all these famous people; for me, I believe everyone should have a personal set of life mottos and it is worth writing them down so we can remind ourselves from time to time.

From reflecting on my early career, these are the 7 ones that shaped me into who I am.

  1. If you can’t do the small things well, don’t mind the big things

  2. Never be late

  3. Be humble, there are a lot of people smarter than you

  4. Early birds get the worms

  5. If you cannot decide for yourself, no one can

  6. Don’t look back, look forward

  7. Hard work will pay off, just be patient

There are so many life mottos out there from all these famous people; for me, I believe everyone should have a personal set of life mottos and it is worth writing them down so we can remind ourselves from time to time.

From reflecting on my early career, these are the 7 ones that shaped me into who I am.

  1. If you can’t do the small things well, don’t mind the big things

  2. Never be late

  3. Be humble, there are a lot of people smarter than you

  4. Early birds get the worms

  5. If you cannot decide for yourself, no one can

  6. Don’t look back, look forward

  7. Hard work will pay off, just be patient

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